2017 CSRA Season prices


$25 per photo, 5 photos $100, 10 photos $150, 20 photos $200


 2-3 minute video Single Person $450.00, 2-3 minute video Team $550.00, 4-5 minute video $600-$700  

Go Pro (POV) Editing:

full race weekends go pro video editing of provided footage $600 per rider. 

 Press Release:

1 page including results and comments from rider $150.00 per rider or $250 for team of 2-3 •

Sponsorship Deck:

$300-$500 depending on length and graphic design quality wanted. 

Autograph Poster: 

Creation and digital copy of autograph poster $250.00 for a single rider of $350 for a team of 2-4 riders.

 Magazine, Social Media and Newspaper Advertisements:

Full Page $250 (roughly 8.5” x 11”), ½ page $200 (roughly 4” x 7”), ¼ page $150 (roughly 2” x 4”), Social Media or Website Banner $100 (roughly 1” x 8”)